Social Graces

· Manners Matter ·

When I get to have a legit wine conversation with someone at a tasting, I have the opportunity to guide them into a deeper analysis of the wine I’ve poured for them. I get see that light bulb go off in their head, it’s like winning the showcase on The Price Is Right!

Hella Fresh

· A Walk On The Natural Side ·

If your favorite thing to do when you get home is slip into a nice bottle of Jendall Kackson, you are still living in the 80’s and this website may not be for you. Seriously, where the heck have you been this whole time?


· The Broken Heart Syndrome ·

Now that we have some concrete evidence on the medical studies of a broken heart let’s focus on how you can we can relax, get our shit together, and come up with a game plan. After all, The Broken Heart Syndrome IS reversible.

The Crush Lab Founder

Founder + Creative Director, Karina Cisneros graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Architecture & is accomplished in the wine field as a Certified Sommelier.

Pablo Picasso

“I like all paintings. I always look at the paintings, good or bad, in barbershops, furniture stores, provincial hotels. I’m like a drinker who needs wine. As long as it is wine, it doesn’t matter which wine.”

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