Temper Tantrums

· Volcano Juice ·

Volcanoes here on earth are known for their violent and theatrical displays of attention resulting in chaos, death, and destruction. However, it is through these very noxious and ill manned temper tantrums that our planet’s destiny has been shaped.

Social Graces

· Manners Matter ·

When I get to have a legit wine conversation with someone at a tasting, I have the opportunity to guide them into a deeper analysis of the wine I’ve poured for them. I get see that light bulb go off in their head, it’s like winning the showcase on The Price Is Right!

Hella Fresh

· A Walk On The Natural Side ·

If your favorite thing to do when you get home is slip into a nice bottle of Jendall Kackson, you are still living in the 80’s and this website may not be for you. Seriously, where the heck have you been this whole time?


· The Broken Heart Syndrome ·

Now that we have some concrete evidence on the medical studies of a broken heart let’s focus on how you can we can relax, get our shit together, and come up with a game plan. After all, The Broken Heart Syndrome IS reversible.

The Crush Lab Founder

Founder + Creative Director, Karina Cisneros graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Architecture & is accomplished in the wine field as a Certified Sommelier.

Pablo Picasso

“I like all paintings. I always look at the paintings, good or bad, in barbershops, furniture stores, provincial hotels. I’m like a drinker who needs wine. As long as it is wine, it doesn’t matter which wine.”

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